Drug Cards Daily

#63: folic acid (FaLessa) | Treatment of Megaloblastic Anemia and Supplementation
folic acid (FOE lik AS id)
Below will be links for the full Podcast and the Drug Card for folic acid along with a brief summary of various points on folic acid.


Folic acid goes by many different names such as folate, Vitamin B9 or even by the brand name of FaLessa. It is a water-soluble vitamin and used in the treatment of Megaloblastic Anemia as well as in supplementation. When treating Anemia dosing is initiated at 1 mg PO qd up to a mas of 5 mg per day until hematologic correction occurs. When it comes to supplementation, dosing varies based on age. Folic acid is an important component in DNA synthesis as well as in erythropoiesis. Common side effects are rash, irritability, flatulence, and abdominal pain. Folic acid is found in a wide variety of foods such as spinach, beets, dried beans, citrus fruits, and legumes.

Make sure to listen to this week’s episode and download the free Drug Card for folic acid.

This Week’s Free Drug Card Sheet:  PDF