Drug Cards Daily

Episode #48: clonazepam (Klonopin) | Podcast Show Notes
clonazepam (kloe NA ze pam)

Below will be links for the full Podcast and the Drug Card for clonazepam along with a brief summary of various points on clonazepam. 


  1. What are the 3 black box warnings for clonazepam?
  2. True or False. Clonazepam is a longer-acting benzodiazepine.
  3. Which of the following are off label uses for clonazepam? Select all that apply.
    • A). Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder
    • B). Sleep terrors
    • C). Sleepwalking
    • D). Seizure disorder
    • E). All of the above


Clonazepam is an anticonvulsant benzodiazepine also known as Klonopin. The main indications are for seizure disorder and panic disorder. There are many off label indications such as for anxiety, sleep terrors, sleepwalking, Tourette’s syndrome, and RLS. The treatment range for seizure or panic disorders is between 0.5-5 mg PO bid-tid respectively. The mechanism of action is unknown but believed to be a result of GABA activity enhancement. The onset of action is between 20-40 minutes. The time to peak is between 1-4 hours. There are several black box warnings. The first is for the risk of concomitant opioid use; the next is for addiction, abuse, and misuse; and the last is for dependence & withdrawal reactions. Exercise extreme caution for activities that require coordination such as driving and operating machinery.


  1. The first is for the risk of concomitant opioid use; the next is for addiction, abuse, and misuse; and the last is for dependence & withdrawal reactions. 
  2. True. The time to peak is within 1-4 hours with the duration of action lasting around 12 hours or less. The half-life elimination is between 17-60 hours.
  3. A, B, and C are off-label uses. D is an on-label indication.
Did you get any wrong? Make sure to listen to this week’s episode and download the free Drug Card for clonazepam.

PDF of Drug Card: clonazepam