Drug Cards Daily

Episode #43: rosuvastatin (Crestor) | Podcast Show Notes
rosuvastatin (roe soo va STAT in)

Below will be links for the full Podcast and the Drug Card for rosuvastatin along with a brief summary of various points on rosuvastatin. 


  1. What monitoring parameters are appropriate for an Asian American patient on rosuvastatin that had a prior history of myopathy from other medications? Select all that apply.
    • A). Creatine at baseline and periodically thereafter
    • B). LFTs
    • C). Creatine phosphokinase at baseline and periodically thereafter
    • D). Creatine phosphokinase only at baseline
    • E). C only. 
  2. True or False. If a dose of rosuvastatin is missed and it has been 8 hours since the last dose, it should be skipped.
  3. This is a drug interaction thought experiment. A patient has been taking a lot of antacids recently due to eating poorly as of late. Is this a concern? Why or why not?


Rosuvastatin is an antilipemic agent that works through the inhibition of the rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis (HMG CoA reductase). It is used in the management of dyslipidemia as well as having benefits in cardiovascular event prevention. The typical dosing range when treating dyslipidemia is between 5-40 mg PO qd. The max dose is 40 mg/day. Dose adjustments are made every 2-4 weeks after initiating between 10-20 mg PO qd. Some concerns are to avoid red yeast rice due to the similarity to the medication lovastatin, avoid use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and dose at the lower end of the therapeutic range in Asian American patients due to higher levels being present which could lead to an increased risk for toxicity. The most common side effects are headache, abdominal pain, nausea, joint pain, and weakness.


  1. A, B, C are most correct. Although D could also be seen as acceptable, since this patient had a prior history of myopathy it would be best to also check CPK periodically after the baseline.
  2. False. If a dose has been missed it should be taken ASAP. Only skip the dose if it has been >12 hours.
Did you get any wrong? Make sure to listen to this week’s episode and download the free Drug Card for rosuvastatin.

PDF of Drug Card: rosuvstatin