Drug Cards Daily

Episode #17: omeprazole (Prilosec) | Podcast Show Notes
omeprazole (oh MEP ra zole)

Below will be links for the full Podcast and the Drug Card for omeprazole along with a brief summary of various points on omeprazole. 


  1. AUC is specifically of concern in which demographic?
    • A). African
    • B). Asian
    • C). Hispanic
    • D). Indian
  2. T or F:  Although omeprazole is metabolized via the CYP2C19 pathway it is primarily metabolized via the CYP3A4 pathway.
  3. Select all that apply:
    • A). C. diff is a concern if patients are experiencing diarrhea
    • B). Bone fractures are a concern if patients have been on omeprazole for more that 1 year. 
    • C). Omeprazole inhibits the Hydrogen/Magnesium ATP pump
    • D). Only B and C
  4. T or F:  There is an increased rate of birth defects shown in pregnancy.
  5. T or F:  Onset of action occurs within 30 minutes with peak effect in 1 hour


Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibiting drug that helps regulate the secretion of stomach acid. The most common brand name is Prilosec. Omeprazole is available over the counter (OTC) as well as by prescription only (RX). The OTC indication is for heartburn and should be used no longer than 14 days in a 4 month period. Typical dosing ranges from 10 -40 mg po qid to bid unless treating Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome. When treating Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome doses can get as high as 180 mg daily. The average Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome dose is 60-70 mg qd. Omeprazole should be used cautiously (if at all) in the geriatric population due to risk of bone fracture if taking longer than 1 year. This drug is primarily metabolized through the CYP2C19 pathway use with strong inducers are to be avoided. Common side effects are headache, stomach pain, diarrhea, and gas. Diarrhea may be of particular concern due to risk of C.diff.


  1. B). Asian is correct.
  2. False. Omeprazole is primarily metabolized through the CYP2C19 pathway. 
  3. A and B are correct. C is incorrect because inhibition occurs at the Hydrogen/Potassium ATP pump.
  4. False. There is no increased risk of major birth defects shown in pregnancy.
  5. False. Onset of action occurs within 1 hour with peak effect in about 2 hours.
Did you get any wrong? Make sure to listen to this week’s episode and download the free Drug Card for omeprazole.

PDF of Drug Card: omeprazole