Drug Cards Daily

Episode #12: escitalopram (Lexapro) | Podcast Show Notes
escitalopram (es sye TAL oh pram)

Below will be links for the full Podcast and the Drug Card for escitalopram along with a brief summary of various points on escitalopram. 


  1. T or F: The drug citalopram is the S-enantiomer of the drug escitalopram
  2. T or F: The drug escitalopram works by competitively inhibiting serotonin
  3. What is the typical dosing regimen for the drug escitalopram for depression?
  4. T or F: Although the max dosing is cited as 20 mg per day; 30 mg have been used in practice and has been beneficial for patients. 
  5. Why is an ECG a good idea in patients on this drug with a history of heart issues?


Escitalopram is the S-enantiomer of citalopram. This drug works by selectively inhibiting serotonin. The brand name that the drug escitalopram is most recognized as is Lexapro. Dosing is typically initiated at 10 mg po qd with adjustments made incrementally with the max dose generally being around 20 mg per day. There are many off label uses for escitalopram so those should be utilized on a case by case basis. However, the main indications for this drug is to treat depression and anxiety. Escitalopram is not approved for use in patients under the age of 12. The black box warning for escitalopram is for suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Important monitoring parameters are ECG in patients at risk of QT prolongation and pregnancy since the drug crosses the placenta.


  1. F – The drug escitalopram is the S-enantiomer of the drug citalopram
  2. F – escitalopram “selectively” inhibits serotonin
  3. Initiate at 10 mg po qd with adjustments made incrementally to the max dosing of 20 mg/day (30 mg max as been used in practice and seen as beneficial)
  4. T – A dose of 30 mg has been used and seen as beneficial for many patients. The 20 mg max is per manufacturer label
  5. An ECG periodically is a good idea for patients with a history of heart issues because of the concern for QT-prolongation

PDF of Drug Card: escitalopram